Particulate matter

Plan and conduct particulate matter measurements in Freiburg.

Mirko Mälicke (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT))
Due date 2020-01-23
Format File and data upload upload
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Submission presentation
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Data particulate matter measurements
Challanges Plan your own measurement campaign


Aim of this exercise is to conduct a measurement campaign. You are responsible to split up into groups and generate a course-wide particulate matter (pm) data set. Answer the research questions below using the data set. You are allowed to narrow the topic down to a single, or a set of aspect.


You will recieve a number of particulate matter sensors. In the course project on Github, you will find the pmserver project. This software can be downloaded as an executable for Windows and Linux and will be shortly introduced in the lectures. Depending on your OS, you might need to install additional drivers (usually Windows < 10).
Any data produced should at least be uploaded to the data project on Github. You are encouraged to work in groups and split the data collection. It is best practice to formulate a set (or a single) hypotheses, that are testable within the scope of the project.


In order to fulfill this exercise, the whole course has to supply the data at least on Github. Preferably, if a database is used, it can additionally be submitted to the course database server. Additionally, all findings will be presented by a short input presentation on Thursday, 23.01.2020, followed by an open discussion about the campaign. The input presentation should take about 10 - 15 minutes and can be held by only one person. The presentation should just get a discussion started and will not be graded. Please provide enough maps, graphs and timeseries composed from the data to support a vital discussion.

Research question

In most cities, there is only one official oberservation of particulate matter. The data is free and can be downloaded from the LUBW website. In Freiburg, there are two stations. How reliable is the data and how can the representativeness be evaluated?
Organize yourselfs as a whole course and measure spatially distributed particulate matter in Freiburg. Record a suitable number of mesurements. Does the official station cover the maximum values? Maybe support your findings with a map and a suitable amount of graphs. It’s fine to focus just one of the two official stations. But state which one was used.


The follwoing hints and questions might be helpful to get started. They are not neccessarily part of the research question.

… and most important: Do not focus on grades/mark, have a good time and conduct a fun and insightful measuring campaign