
Data collection, storage and management (WS 19/20)

Table of Contents

2. Exercises overview

Work through the following exercises and submit each of them latest January 24th, 2020, 11:59pm. Note that some exercise have a specifc due date during the course. Use the Moodle system to submit your exercises. Ensure that your Moodle login is working.

File formats: PDF, HTML or R-Markdown.

Your mark for this course is composed of your work on different exercises. Each exercise has a description about the tasks you should deal with. The exercise have to be submitted on the last Friday of the course (24th Jan 2020) But, HOBO Meta data and temperature indices have to be submitted at Mon/Tue of the second week (more details are given during lectures).

Part Description Weight
I HOBO data report (Exercise 1-3) 50%
II SQL Database (Exercise 6) 30%
III PM Air quality measurements and report (Exercise 5) 20%

3. Report (Exercise 1-3)

3.1 Format

Please create a PDF file to submit your exercise or follow th instructions given in the lectures. You can do the exercise in Word or comparable Text processor or in R Markdown. Some exercises must be submitted via Github or you are asked to submit calculate values to a data sheet of the course (e.g. HOBO Meta Table). Do not submit the R Markdown file (*.rmd) but the output of it (PDF, HTML) after you have used Knit.

You can use code blocks from R, equations, tables, figures or lists with bullet points to describe consecutive work. Use captions to describe the content of tables and figures.

If you include code blocks then focus please on important blocks (e.g. own functions) and do not submit the whole script. Examples: 4-5 lines of code to show how you calculate one or two indices or how you impolement the regression model.

3.2 Content

Aim is to present what you have done in the exercises and why and to present your outcomes and to discuss them. This should be placed in different sections like a introduction, sections for exercise 1, exercise 2 and exercise 3 (each with methods, results and discussion).

Write shortly, but precisely what the aim of the exercise is and what you have major steps you have done during the exercise. Summarise the important results / single sections of the exercise and discuss briefly your outcomes with a few sentences. If you depart from the exercise standards describe why and how you solve certain issues or challanges. If you have modified the methods state why and how you have done this. The text should be understandable for external readers.

For all exercises you find a short description on the expected content at the top of the exercise webpages.

3.3 Exercises 5 & 6

For these two exercises specific information are given on the exercise subpages

4. Location of HOBO sensors

4.1 Interactive map of HOBO locations 2019/2020 with leaflet()

4.2 How to improve your HOBO location?

  1. Go to https://www.openstreetmap.org
  2. Zoom to your location.
  3. Click the Share button on the menu on the right side of the map and activate “Include Marker”
  4. Move the marker as precisely as possible to the right side of your building (N/E/S/W).
  5. Extract the geographic information (Lon, Lat) from the shown GEO URI or from the updated URL in your browser.
  6. Update your location information in the HOBO meta table online.

Example Hofcafe, Herderbau, Tennenbacherstr.4: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/48.00339/7.85335

HOBO Meta survey for 2021 (beta)

(see Tab)